Sober living

A Goodbye Letter to My Drug Addiction

By May 10, 2021July 26th, 2023No Comments

All of the good things I thought came from you, had come from me all along; you just made me think that I needed you to experience them. I tried to leave you so many times; but you just dragged me back into your pit of Hell time and time again. You had me convinced that I could do anything that I wanted to.

goodbye letter to addiction

The government once thought illegal drugs had no medical use. Laws are quickly changing across the nation as researchers find medical uses for these drugs. Addiction counselors often have their patients write a “goodbye letter” to their addiction.

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I fought so hard to kick you time and time again, but you had a death grip on me. Some days I still feel like you still do. I think that is just a part of the disease, especially in early recovery. Richard Singer is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who was once homeless and ready to die as a direct result of addiction. Richard has over 20 years of extensive experience in the field of addiction treatment as a psychotherapist and educator.

Saying goodbye to you seems like the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do. You’ve been around for quite some time now, and I thought you’d never leave.

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There is no right or wrong way to write a Dear John letter; it’s simply a therapeutic way to express your feelings without having to talk. For me, the most impactful part of treatment was writing a Dear John letter (aka a goodbye letter) to my drug addiction. Yet, I can not help but feel that I wish I had never met you. So, thanks for everything and nothing all at once, heroin. Talking about my past and my path to recovery has been healing; but this is my last Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing Sober House. Some days, I thought you were what I wanted.

I know that saying “goodbye” to you for good will take hard work, but I am doing exactly that. I now know that none of these feelings were genuine and that I was being manipulated throughout our time together. Whenever I felt like you were the key to getting through life, it was nothing more than a lie. For this and many more reasons, it is now time to bid you “goodbye” forever. The longer you use heroin, the more severe your withdrawal symptoms will likely be.